Sunday, December 18, 2011

HOW TO: Turn Fans Into Brand Ambassadors

HOW TO: Turn Fans Into Brand Ambassadors - So many ways to convert your product's users into not-so-secret enthusiasts. Help them, help you turn their passion into increased sales and improved ROI for your marketing $$$.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Five Questions That Should Shape Any Change Program - Scott Keller and Colin Price - Harvard Business Review

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. We're counting down to the end of 2011 (whew!) and preparing to get back our bearings, correct course, push forward in 2012. Here are some thoughts from HBR to help us strategize how we plan to get that done.
Five Questions That Should Shape Any Change Program - Scott Keller and Colin Price - Harvard Business Review

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chief Social Media Officer?!

"So maybe your consumer-facing organization isn’t ready for a c-level post dedicated to social marketing. But one thing is for sure, the CMO had better embrace social, and soon." Check out this advice...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Light ahead, if only you could prioritize.

What about it? After the Thanksgiving holiday there are only 20 business days left until the Christmas holiday takes over. Okay, okay, I know you're a senior leader in your field and you work weekends, too. So through those in and you have 27 days left until Christmas (that includes Christmas eve.)

You have so much to do, yet your colleagues are taking long weekends, entire weeks, leaving the office early and essentially thinking about lots more than what's left on your list to accomplish before the year ends. Hey, your family would like to see you, too.

But there is a ray of light ahead!  Let's put together a strategy to help you identify and prioritize what's left on your list of "to do's" for 2011 and - perhaps more importantly - how you can be the leader in your company that has a plan to kick-off 2012 with energy, focus, intent, AND a plan to succeed. 

I am ready and willing if you are. Go ahead, give me a ring (312-841-1062) and let me help you gobble your way to a plan for and your team to succeed in 2012, see the light, and spend some special time with your family this holiday season. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The honor roll for teachers

The honor roll for teachers - Today, teachers and principals at three Chicago Public Schools sent shock waves through the status quo of CPS by voluntarily adding 90 minutes to the educational day for students. These "pioneers" are the definition of leadership. Being a leader is about innovating, not settling. Being a leader is about taking educated risks, not putting off tough decisions for another year. Read about it in the Chicago Tribune editorial.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Restructuring Education

Education, First 100 Days and more

What would happen if 100% of students showed up on the first day of school?

A: They would be much better prepared for success for the rest of the year and their life.

Check out the Chicago Newsroom panel discussion about the Chicago Public Schools and much more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Latina Magazine leads with Zoe Saldana on the cover...

Looks like Latina magazine made it to the news stands before Ebony with hot, happening Zoe Saldana on the cover. she Latina first, Black second? A Black Latina? Puerto Rican and Dominican blood courses through her veins. Does it matter? What do you think?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Who is winning the PR war in DC? Obama? Boehner?

Pres. Obama speech in the PR war over our national debt:  "Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment? And I think I know your answer.
Those words were spoken by Ronald Reagan. But today, many Republicans in the House refuse to consider this kind of balanced approach - an approach that was pursued not only by President Reagan, but by the first President Bush, President Clinton, myself, and many Democrats and Republicans in the United States Senate. So we are left with a stalemate."

Sunday, July 17, 2011


P071711PS-0125 by The White House
P071711PS-0125, a photo by The White House on Flickr.

The Obama's enjoying a Sunday afternoon cheering on Team USA in final World Cup match.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What do those swirling soapy brushes in automated car washes have in common with the infamous WEED WACKER?  Apparently, everything. The inventor of the weed wacker, George Ballas, died last week. He created the "must have landscaper's tool" after taking his car to the car wash in 1971. By '76, he had turned his invention into a $42 million company. How? How? Television marketing. That's right. More than 40 years ago, George Ballas, took his invention to the TV airwaves nationwide and made his mark as one of the first telemarketers. But do you know what his true love was and how he turned that into a thriving business? Maybe you do. Think 1, 2,  cha, cha, cha.                                                                            

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Marketing 101

As I left the fairly impressive annual meeting of the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau this morning, I picked up the marketing brochure on the floor by the exit. It is glossy. It is full of good information. It has stats that count to people who want the City to succeed in attracting more visitors. Here's what it did NOT have: website, contact info, Twitter handle. Basically, it had nothing that would help me or anyone else who wanted to help spread the word. Come on guys. Let's work together to make your goals our reality. We want to help. Give us the tools to be ambassadors for the City through our various contacts, associations, colleagues, social media outlets, etc., etc.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Governor's Demise

The 17 guilty findings in the Federal Government's case against former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich should send a message to far more people than those that work in government. These verdicts should send resounding notice to C-Suites all across the state (and country for that matter) that working within the rule of law for campaign contributions and other support of elected and appointed officials is vital. Jury Convicts Governor Blagojevich

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Mountain Top

I have been to the mountain top and it was very lonely. Time to get back down with the people.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


We're getting started with a question.  Is the new bio about Steve Jobs - iSteve, The Book of Jobs - appropriately titled?