Saturday, July 2, 2011

What do those swirling soapy brushes in automated car washes have in common with the infamous WEED WACKER?  Apparently, everything. The inventor of the weed wacker, George Ballas, died last week. He created the "must have landscaper's tool" after taking his car to the car wash in 1971. By '76, he had turned his invention into a $42 million company. How? How? Television marketing. That's right. More than 40 years ago, George Ballas, took his invention to the TV airwaves nationwide and made his mark as one of the first telemarketers. But do you know what his true love was and how he turned that into a thriving business? Maybe you do. Think 1, 2,  cha, cha, cha.                                                                            

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