Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chief Social Media Officer?!

"So maybe your consumer-facing organization isn’t ready for a c-level post dedicated to social marketing. But one thing is for sure, the CMO had better embrace social, and soon." Check out this advice...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Light ahead, if only you could prioritize.

What about it? After the Thanksgiving holiday there are only 20 business days left until the Christmas holiday takes over. Okay, okay, I know you're a senior leader in your field and you work weekends, too. So through those in and you have 27 days left until Christmas (that includes Christmas eve.)

You have so much to do, yet your colleagues are taking long weekends, entire weeks, leaving the office early and essentially thinking about lots more than what's left on your list to accomplish before the year ends. Hey, your family would like to see you, too.

But there is a ray of light ahead!  Let's put together a strategy to help you identify and prioritize what's left on your list of "to do's" for 2011 and - perhaps more importantly - how you can be the leader in your company that has a plan to kick-off 2012 with energy, focus, intent, AND a plan to succeed. 

I am ready and willing if you are. Go ahead, give me a ring (312-841-1062) and let me help you gobble your way to a plan for and your team to succeed in 2012, see the light, and spend some special time with your family this holiday season.